Pcb Cloning & Reverse Engineering Service

Kejie Pcb is a professional company in Pcb cloning, Pcb copy and Pcb reverse engineering service.
We can take your sample, including the components, and completely reverse engineer it.
We create all the data gerber files you need to make duplicates.
We can even reverse engineer boards that include programmed IC’s, custom parts, and obsolete parts.

Pcb cloning Service Process

To begin, we identify every component on the board. We then create a rough bill of material for the project.

The board is completely and carefully photographed. A photocopy of the board is blown up and mounted.

Each component is removed and glued to its location on the photocopy.

The bill of material (BOM) is refined as values are measured for resistors and capacitors. When the bill of material is completed, parts are procured, the board is scanned on a calibrated scanner in order to recreate the trace pattern, and the new bare boards are created.

A completed sample assembly is sent to the customer to insure proper function prior to completing the project. This becomes a ‘golden board’ from which all others are duplicated.

Pcb cloning service Pcb reverse engineering service Pcb cloning service process

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